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CIC Battery Quick Start Guide

The Hearing Co. Quick Start Guide

It means the absolute world to us that you’re able to fully enjoy your hearing aids. Which is exactly why we put this quick guide together to make sure your new hearing aids are set up perfectly before you start using them!

We’ve made sure to make the following guide quick and easy to understand, so please make sure to follow all 4 steps before using your hearing aids for the first time.

Step #1: Practice Inserting Your Hearing Aids Correctly

This is by far the most important part of our guide. If you don’t know how to insert your hearing aids correctly, they’ll never fit properly, it’ll be hard to get them out and there’s a chance they’ll squeal.

Before we get into inserting your hearing aids correctly, please make sure the batteries are removed and that you have the smallest ear dome on them as it’ll make practicing much easier.

Once they’re turned off and you have the smallest ear dome attached, here's how to insert them:

The first step (picture on the left) is to hold the hearing aid with your thumb at the bottom and your index finger at the back, right on the battery door.

Then, insert the hearing aid into your ear, moving your thumb out of the way once it's almost fully in and pushing the rest of the way (gently and stopping if anything hurts) with your index finger.

Once inserted, your hearing aids should look like the picture below with the pull wire and battery door facing downwards. To remove your hearing aids, simply pull on the pull wire!

Your hearing aid should now be fully inserted. Make sure it looks like the picture on the right, with the pull wire and battery door at the bottom and the adjustment dial at the top. If you’re having trouble, feel free to get someone to help you for the first few times.

Step #2: Choose The Right Sized Ear Dome

Now that you know the proper way to insert your hearing aids, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right sized ear domes to ensure a comfortable fit.

We suggest moving from the smallest ear domes all the way up to the largest and then going back to whichever fit you best.

NOTE: The reason trying all sizes of ear domes is so important, is because while the smallest size may already fit well, a slightly larger size may give you better sound quality and overall fit. The goal is to use the largest sized ear dome that fits you comfortably so that your hearing aids are comfortable, fit securely and have amazing sound quality.

If you’re having trouble removing and attaching your ear domes, we have an in-depth tutorial on our website at

If you’d prefer to call us, we’re available by telephone at +1 (437) 292-3801

Step #3: Inserting The A10 Batteries

Before inserting the A10 batteries into your hearing aids for the first time, it's important to prepare them.

All you have to do is peel the tape off the bottom, and then let the bottom of the battery "air out" for 5 minutes! After that, it's all ready to use.

Once the batteries are ready to insert, please follow the video below! One thing to note is that you want the bottom (flat) part of the A10 battery to be facing upwards once inserted into the battery tray, as seen in the video below.

Step #4: Use Your Hearing Aids!

Before using your hearing aids for the first time, make sure the volume dial is adjusted nearly all the way down (turn the dial counter-clockwise).

As you get used to your hearing aids over the next few hours, feel free to adjust the volume up to the point where you’re satisfied with your hearing, but no more - if the volume is set too high, it runs the chance of producing feedback or hurting your ears.

We're Here For You!

Thank you for taking your time to go through this quick start guide! If you’re unsure of any of the steps or you have any questions, feel free to email us at or give us a call at +1 (437) 292-3801

We also have an in-depth troubleshooting guide on our website, which can be accessed at

As well as an easy-to-follow set of video tutorials, which can be accessed at